NEW! Khor Reports' PalmTrack Kicks Off
September is a month of a couple of new things for Khor Reports—the first was our PolTracker: Malaysia—1 Sep 2021, an online-view only report tracking hot topics and themes in Malaysia’s political economy and backed by data from social media and human-sourced intel.
This time, we are shifting our focus back to the staple of our work: the economics of the palm oil industry. Khor Reports is proud to present PalmTrack!
In PalmTrack, we offer exclusive updates surrounding the palm products trade. Written by Khor Reports/Segi Enam Advisor’s Khor Yu Leng and Nadirah Sharif, we aim to provide info-data driven insights with reference to granular trade statistics, near-time shipment/cargo information, and human-source market intelligence. PalmTrack mainly covers key Indonesian ports.
At the moment, subscription is free! Members will have access to relevant research data and news stories, including trade updates from key export countries and reports on sustainability and geopolitical conflicts. We also offer more granular trade and vessel data mentioned in our reports for corporate subscribers.
Interested? Subscribe by clicking the button below! Questions? Feel free to reach out to us at