To our PalmTrack subscribers! Please log in via the ‘My Account’ tab at the top of the page. You will be directed to sign in, and just below, the links to PalmTrack News & Views and also (from Jan 2023), PalmBiofuelsTrack for sourcing interest.

PalmTrack is an independent research service that offers market intelligence insights and tracks palm tanker movements for selected ports and trade routes. We offers exclusive updates on the palm products trade, with a focus on sustainability, compliance and value-add products. It is written by KHOR Yu Leng of Khor Reports/Segi Enam Advisors, referring to human-source market intelligence, and near-time shipment/cargo information (centred on Indonesia’s ports). From Jan 2023, PalmBiofuelsTrack brings you sourcing insights on palm-based feedstocks (PKS and others) which will feature guest writers and trader views. Contact us at to find out more.

Note: We have been identifying palm tankers since Sep 2021. We have collected vessel data, interviewed traders, and manually analysed over 1,200 unique tankers. Palm-related tankers are identified over time and our sample of about 400 vessels has approx. 2.5 million net tonnage. With this list, our review in a sample period identified nearly one million (tanker net) tonnes of export movement, corresponding to an estimated 30–40% of official export volumes for five top Indonesia ports, with preliminary note that an estimated 60–70% may be laden status (all tankers, not just palm). 

For personal use. General aggregated palm tanker movement case studies (1–2 per week), and updates on market events (1–2 postings/week) and a periodic Q&A group session via Zoom (book us via For affordable access to unique insights and timely info-data, via our PalmTrack Report, choose month or annual billing.

For corporate use. Granular vessel and voyage details are available on request; and a variety of customised research services, such as competitive analysis, intelligence on specialist markets, e.g. certified, UCO & waste, and others—i.e. applications, logistics-packaging, farm equipment; and other tropical commodities & products including coconut, natural rubber, rubberwood, timber (logs, saw timber, plywood), etc.—plus human source market intelligence. Reach out to us at

PalmTrack’s News & Views samples:

Other titbits: Malaysian Cooking Oil & the RM4 Billion Subsidy Mentality; Eyes on Indonesia Export Push & Price Decline; Shifting Political-Policy Landscape for Indonesia Palm Oil?; Cooking Oil Angst & Indonesia Export Policy Flip-Flop; Ukraine Commodities, Palm Oil Price Outlook, 30% DMO, and Economic Worries; BOM Headlines La Niña Retreat Stalls, Sabah Planters Worry about Wet Conditions and Roads; Conflict, Food Inflation, and Indonesia Cooking Oil Status; Food Export versus Domestic Shortages, Ukraine, and the Case of Indonesia Cooking Oil; Indonesia’s Export Permit Expanded to Cover 59 Palm Products (Up from 3); Reactions to Costly Palm Oil.

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